Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Salty Lip

The beach was wonderful.
i used 50 spf the entire time and still turned into an african american.
i did, unfortunately, forget to apply sunblock on my lips. 
let me rephrase that...
i refuse to rub that stuff on my lips.
so it burnt. and burnt badly.
as if someone held a magnifying glass with the sun pointed to my lip just to see what would happen.
the result?
a hole. a blistering hole.
it makes me drool. 
and i smile like i have no feeling in my lower jaw.
"how do you eat?"
well, i eat like a walrus with my head straight up in the air.

Thank you God for creating Burt who made "Burts Bees: Res-Q-Lip Balm." (i just wish he wouldnt have made it pine flavored.)

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