Thursday, December 17, 2009

happy and unblogged.

i have lost interest in blogging.

i apologize.

until next time...

Friday, December 4, 2009

chestnuts and filled stockings

I know, I know.
I keep changing up my blog layout.
Mostly because I am bored, but more-so
because I can not find a cheap
one I like.

I keep changing the name of it.
I know this is a deadly no-no in the
blogging world, but I like change
too much and its going to
keep changing until I am
at peace with it.

I am also apologizing for my
laziness, I know I have been slacking.
Life has been pretty busy lately, a
lot of travelling and holiday events.
It has also been very enjoyable
and refreshing. I keep becoming more
and more happy with the
way things have been

When I say the word happy- I mean ecstatic.

{This guy may have something to do with it.}

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shades of the Season:

Out of color ideas for the "perfect"
holiday dress?
From forest greens to wintery taupes...

{via modcoth}


Aren't these house slippers lovely?
I certainly could use a pair this winter.
Let's hope the bearded man thinks so.

"Oh, Santa..."

{via frenchpressknits}

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I would love for this to be the dress I wear to all of my Christmas festivities...
I already have the perfect shoe and would need to purchase some black tights.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Closets{and what to do with yours.}

  1. EDIT: Donate what you haven't worn in a year (or bring it to Plato's for extra cash) as well as anything that no longer fits. If it's seriously out of shape or completely un-fixable, toss it.
  2. STORE IT: Pull out your "out of season" pieces and "one-timers" to the side to stow away elsewhere.
  3. ORGANIZE: By type and color. Ex. Sleeve length, shade of color..
  4. HANG IT: Pick out one type of hanger; wood, wire or plastic. This will help eliminate added chaos to your closet. (I have all plastic, wood is great but too pricey.)
  5. ZONE IT: If you have a wide selection of skirts and trousers, try different level rods. Low rod for bottoms and a high rod for blouses and dresses. High shelves work wonderfully for out-of-season shoes and sweaters.
  6. FOLD IT: Anything prone to stretching should be folded properly (eliminating wrinkles before the next wear.) Remember heavier items on the bottoms and lighter on top. Make sure to keep your garments in order; whites to nudes to black, workout tops to business tops, etc. If your closet does not have shelves try using hanging canvas shelves or Rubbermaid storage bins with drawers.
  7. Manage: Make sure your accessories such as; belts, bags and scarves in plain sight on hooks or racks that can be attached to the inside of your closet door or wall.
  8. Contain: This is the fun part. Everything from socks to lingerie (anything that cant hang or fold) needs to be put in a container. Try using a set of baskets or smaller boxes covered in a patterned paper. (There are so many great ideas that can be done on a low budget.)
  9. SHOES: Pick a system that will work for you. Choose between a shoe rack on the floor, a hanging show organizer, see-through plastic boxes, or your original shoe boxes with photos of the shoe glued to them. Stow away the unused on a high shelf or in a container under a bed.

This is my plan for my closet sometime this week.
I have a very nicely sized walk-in in my room and
I am dying to be able to navigate through it without
impaling my heel on a heel or ripping through piles
of intertwined leggings and belts. We shall see
how it goes. Hopefully I will remember to take
before and afters to share it all with you.
You should try it too! Have fun with it!
How about a small chandelier?
or what about a cute rug?
Oh the possibilites...

Thursday, November 5, 2009


(Who cares that this bag is $1500?")

(A knock-out studded dress for a killer holiday party.)

{via nordstrom}

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


{via anthro}

finances{what finances?}

I wanted to take a day to post about some "on-goings" in my life lately. Last Wednesday at church Pastor Chris talked about your finances and how to live with margin. Lately i have been spending every last cent of my paycheck. Well, I pretty much always have and could- I'm still very young, only been out on my own now for a year and I don't have a whole lot to pay for. Rent, Utilities and my Mac. Those are my bills. However, lately i have noticed the cost of (my) living is on the rise. (ha- no joke.) I have a gym membership, tanning package, I have a thing for fancy grocery stores and I cant seem to wear the same thing twice. So I have made a vow, from here on out, i will start living with some margin in my life. Think about it, i will actually be able to save up for those wonderful Anthropologie goodies I love instead of buying cheap clothes in BULK! Rent is due thursday... in 2 weeks I will be able to start organizing, saving and not spending!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

$10.00 Lighting

Here it is!
I found this little guy on etsy.
The seller collects different odds
and ends and had this- what
appears to be some sort of
an old fruit blanch-er for sale.
It's a little small at 10x6" but it will
at least serve its purpose until another idea
comes along...

Wiry Lighting {DIY}

I found these wiry chandeliers today on etsy.
They are so simple they would all go great with my new
room. They range from about $60
to $150 in the esty shop, which is not bad for lighting
but some how or another I think these would be fun and
somewhat easy to make...
What do you think?

Luxe {Etsy}

I love these spanish inspired earrings,
very rocker chic.

The color of the flower is to die for, how lovely
would it look paired with a new fall sweater?

I've always been a huge fan of brass and turquoise.
I'm even a bigger fan of birds,
so this necklace is perfect.
This one is just pure elegance.

All of these pieces would make charming stocking stuffers.
They could easily be paired with any crew neck tee, cartigan, or sweater dress
to add a little something extra to your look.

{shop luxedeluxe}

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

How does your garden grow?


I absolutely love these bags.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


{via anthropologie}