Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

$10.00 Lighting

Here it is!
I found this little guy on etsy.
The seller collects different odds
and ends and had this- what
appears to be some sort of
an old fruit blanch-er for sale.
It's a little small at 10x6" but it will
at least serve its purpose until another idea
comes along...

Wiry Lighting {DIY}

I found these wiry chandeliers today on etsy.
They are so simple they would all go great with my new
room. They range from about $60
to $150 in the esty shop, which is not bad for lighting
but some how or another I think these would be fun and
somewhat easy to make...
What do you think?

Luxe {Etsy}

I love these spanish inspired earrings,
very rocker chic.

The color of the flower is to die for, how lovely
would it look paired with a new fall sweater?

I've always been a huge fan of brass and turquoise.
I'm even a bigger fan of birds,
so this necklace is perfect.
This one is just pure elegance.

All of these pieces would make charming stocking stuffers.
They could easily be paired with any crew neck tee, cartigan, or sweater dress
to add a little something extra to your look.

{shop luxedeluxe}

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

How does your garden grow?


I absolutely love these bags.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


{via anthropologie}

Monday, October 12, 2009

{Upcoming} Adventures:

I plan on starting school after the holidays.
School is something I have been very afraid of.
Afraid of tests, making poor grades, and not liking it all together.
I think I am ready to take on a new challenge.
I am ready to have something to be proud of.

I plan on starting choir again.
Music is a deep love of mine.
I have always enjoyed being a part of the worship at Highlands.
I also love being a part of the Christmas production
they put on each year.
Singing is something I have always enjoyed
but been too intimidated to pursue as a hobby.

I am trying to push myself.
This should be a good start.

Sweater Vests:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize:


No haircut.
Just a trim will do.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pillow {new project}

I found this little guy on etsy today.
I am looking to put a small amout of yellow in my room
as well as add some more ruffles and texture.
I love the colors on this one.

I am thinking of doing my own take on this pillow and
making two large shams out of linen in the same grey and yellow.
Two big yellow flowers would make me really happy.

Your thoughts/suggestions?


Tomorrow I have my haircut appointment.
Yes, I am a little nervous.
Yes, my mom is coming with me.
Nevertheless, the change is necessary.

My room is coming along great.
Before and afters will be posted soon,
I apologize for the wait but I can not find my

Last night was a good night.
Kari Jobe at Highlands.
Visited Ryan and Chase in the hospital with
Mom and Hannah.
Had to pose as "the sisters and mother" so we
could stay longer.

Praying about starting school after the holidays.
Most likely I will be starting at Jeff State soon after Christmas.
I am very excited/nervous about this,
but I think its something i will really enjoy and be
proud of.

Praying for a friend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


{...i still love things that sparkle and pops of hot pink.}

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Haircut {Your thoughts}

{please know i am not wanting a straight bang, just a heavier one.
I have tried that before and was a mess.}

{This is what I am leaning towards being that my hair does have quite a bit of body
and doesn't stay perfectly straight like Alba's- shown at the top.}

It's getting chilly outside and that means
coats and scarves are in the near future.
My hair has grown out pretty long
(longer than it has been since 8th grade)
and does not look so hott sticking straight out of a coat
nor do I look good as a lion with a scarf tied around my mane.
So this calls for a haircut.
A good medium length bob with a heavier, shorter bang.

Any comments/ideas/suggestions are welcome.

Monday, October 5, 2009

For the Love of Alice:

Makeover {the bedroom.}

Ah... At last, the painting is complete!

This weekend I finished painting my bed and dresser and OH the difference it has made. (Keep in mind my dresser was white with a dark brown stain coating and my bed a "rickrack red"- or as it turned out, a more-so hot pink.)
For my dresser i chose Neutral Grey by Ralph Lauren and my bed, Marble by Ralph Lauren.
It looks very clean and polished. I would post pictures but I am still lacking in appropriate bedding and decor.
However, my window panels from Ikea are to be hung soon thanks to Rachel from the Meet the J.Rays.

I would love to find some cool lighting for my room for as of now i am
working with only one lamp that sits on my dresser.

Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I had to share this ring with you all. I absolutely adore it.

For the Love Of Chairs:

I have a small obsession with little desk chairs.
I have yet to find just the right one, but these are good candidates.