Just when i feel like my life (all 20 whopping years) has come to an odd dead end as far as just not knowing what to do next or what God has planned for that time, He sends something.
Every time.
This time it's not something for sure, but its definitely an exciting ride i'm on.
I'm enjoying this age. The uncertainty, the lack of responsibilities a real grown up has, never knowing what the next day holds...
This has also been a time of learning how important family really is and who my true friends are.
I'm learning who I am and what things I enjoy on my own. Something I've never really taken the time to do.
Lately I have been taking a book down to the pool and just reading for hours. Dad gave me 2 books from his new favorite author. (they are really good so far by the way... you should check him out: Charles Martin)
Mom and I have been hanging out a lot too, as always.
She makes me laugh and see things more clearly- sometimes. LOL.
Steph and I are taking a road trip down to Baton Rouge to see her man and my really cool friend Ryan.
It should be a good trip.
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